Sunday, November 29, 2015

Monday is bring your favorite toy day, library books due

Remember library books are due on Mondays

And this monday (NOV 30) is 🐶 Bring your favorite toy day
Our class earned a "Favorite Toy Day" so each child can bring one toy to show and share. If students do not want to share the toy they can tell about it and then put it back into their backpacks for home play. Some students just want to show and tell and they have reservations about other children playing with "their" toy; if your child doesn't mind sharing their favorite toy they will have an opportunity to have it out during choosing time.

Tuesday is PTA Meeting: FREE PIZZA + BeSmart Presentation
Please join the PTA and fellow Buckman families in the school cafeteria on Tuesday, December 1 at 6pm for the last meeting of 2015. The first 30 minutes will be a pizza free for all and social time. Then volunteers from the BeSmart campaign will give a brief presentation about how we can work together as a community to keep our kids safe from unintentional shootings as a result of children's access to unsecured guns. Q&A and open discussion follow this brief presentation. For more information about BeSmart please visit You won't want to miss the valuable information presented. Free childcare provided.

Wednesday evening is 🚸Anxiety in Children Workshop
According to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America, “anxiety disorders affect one in eight children. Research shows that untreated children with anxiety disorders are at higher risk to perform poorly in school, miss out on important social experiences, and engage in substance abuse." Come and learn some great strategies to help support your children!

Contact Sada Dewey, or Diane Meisenhelter, for more information.

Friday - 🎒 Name homework is due
You can find information here:

Next Monday PTA Clothing Center - 4 Volunteers Needed!
Monday, December 7 is Buckman's day to volunteer at the PTA Clothing Center. Volunteer hours are from 9:30am-1:30pm at 3905 SE 91st Ave, Room B-60 (Marshall HS Campus). This is a really fun place to volunteer. I would recommend giving it a try if you have the time. Please contact Meredith Vorhees if interested:

Other calendar items
There is much more coming up. See more here.

Are you getting the school email newsletter?
Hopefully, you are receiving the email newsletter sent from the office. You can see the content on the homepage here: If you are not receiving this news, please check your spam folder and/or contact the office to make sure you are on the list.

Thanks and see you at school,
(Henry's mom)

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Run for the arts, lost photos, coming up

THANK YOU for the swim rescue.

We had a great turnout for swimming by so many helpful parents. Here is the group being led by our very own pied piper. Thank you so much for changing your day around to help out last minute!!

Run for the Arts reminder

Thank you to all of the families that helped with Run for the Arts. Please bring in your sponsor sheets and pledges. We need to turn in our donations to Young Audiences this week.

Teacher request

Please check you child's backpack regularly.

LOST - Clementine’s pictures

Did anyone take those home by mistake?

Coming up

See what's ahead at:

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Locker bats have arrived, need a prep-work volunteer

Did you get a glimpse of our locker bats? LOVE.

Does anyone have time to put together some "backpacks" for the kids' forest projects. It will involve picking up supplies, hole punching, and tying strings. Probably 5 or so minutes per backpack and we have 25 so a couple of volunteers would be great. Can be done at home or wherever. Ideally finished over the next week. Please email or text me if you can help.


Thursday, October 8, 2015

Volunteer assignments (so far)

Thank you again for all your feedback in the volunteer survey. We have a schedule! There will probably be adjustments as the year goes on but this gives us a great start.

Swimming volunteers
For those assigned so far (Jennifer Cockrell, Taryn Mazza, Jonah Ferber, Molly Quin, Em Chin, Christopher Robert Baird, Jonah Ferber, Daishau, Jeremy FiveCrows, Mo McFeely, Daishou), I sent appointments to your calendars. You can also see the schedule here:
Please let me or Ms. Miles know if you need to make any changes to the schedule.


Classroom volunteers
I think I have spoken to those of you who have planned ongoing commitments to the classroom (Bernadette Pearson, Molly Quan, Lisa Fredrickson, Sean and Charmian, David Kirchfeld, Violet Aveline, Jessica Harris, Jennifer Cockrell). The schedule is here:
Please let me or Ms. Miles know if you need to make any changes.


Many of you not scheduled yet
Many of you have “some” availability and we still have openings in the classroom volunteer schedule.
Ms. Miles doesn’t NEED volunteers to show up, the class has planned activities. But at certain times of the day, small group activities can help boost learning for the kids. I can put you on the schedule with what works for you (coming the same time most weeks, alternating weeks, choosing some specific dates to come, etc). Please email me with your desired activity and schedule.


Please continue to watch for opportunities
There will be OTHER ways to support the classroom: field trips, special projects, bulletin boards, etc. You will hear about them through email and on the parents notice board next to the classroom door.


For all volunteers
I’ll just say once again, FLEXIBILITY is important.
Plans and classroom needs change. You may be asked to do different activities as the year goes along. Ms. Miles needs you to be flexible but wants you to feel successful in your role; please let her know if you have concerns or questions.

Your child's READINESS is required.
When volunteering, please be sure your child knows you may not be working with him/her.
• If your child can accept this, great - come an volunteer.
• If your child cries, or has difficulty when you work with others and leave, Ms. Miles will have you wait to volunteer at a later date when your child is ready.

And please be sure your background check is submitted. (no cost - do it online here:

I’m doing this for two classrooms so I have a lot of details to keep track of. Please let me know if I have missed anyone in the schedule or if you have questions. I’m bound to get some things mixed up at some point.


THANK YOU all so much, 


Friday, October 2, 2015

Got pumpkins? Our kindergarten needs 90 small ones

Hi class,
This is a little random. But we need 90 small pumpkins during the last week of October for a grade-level activity. All the kindergartners will be doing a pumpkin hunt together. Other classes are taking care of other parts of the preparation and materials. Our class is in charge of having 90 small pumpkins at school by October 27.

So…this is a little random but if you have pumpkins, or know someone who has pumpkins, or don’t mind going somewhere to pick up 90 pumpkins - please let me know. 

Free is fabulous since we can use class funds elsewhere. Maybe your uncle is a pumpkin farmer and can use a tax deduction.

BUT more likely, we have money to pay for this activity so you can be reimbursed if you can pick them up.

Thank you so much!

And happy weekending,

Margaret FiveCrows
(Henry’s mom and room parent)

Sunday, September 27, 2015

Kinder class survey (please fill it out ASAP!) and lots coming up this week!

Hi class parents. Ready for a busy week? Here it comes.

Volunteer survey - please fill out ASAP
Thank you to all parents who have filled out the volunteer survey! Gold stars all around.

All else…I really need your help
I need your input to know what activities we can plan for. The survey has 25 questions and will take about 2-10 minutes.  (separate entries for dad AND mom AND grandma AND anyone else who might want to volunteer) to let us know which roles might work for you.

Rather talk to me and ask questions? Feel free to call anytime. We can talk then or I will try to get back to you when I can.


Pajama Day  - Wednesday
Your child can wear pajamas to school on that Wednesday. (Just pajamas though - no pillows, blankets or stuffed animals.) 


Class Swim - Thursday
Your child needs to bring a swim bag (separate from backpack) with towel and suit (goggles are optional). Remember if your child does not go to SUN or to Vermont Hills, please pick them up at the Pool.

We cannot swim if we do not have enough parent volunteers (2 moms and 2 dads). (Again - please fill out the survey so we can plan!


Run for the Arts - Friday
Fundraising at the school can be confusing and a little overwhelming. 

Q: Why are there several organizations fundraising at our school (Buckman Foundation, PTA, and Run for the Arts? 

A: We have different programs to maximize dollars and to make paying for staff/stuff/and art programs possible. 
  • The school foundation provides for art and other STAFF (only legal channel for us to pay for staffing)
  • The PTA pays for STUFF (including art programs and materials)
  • Run for the Arts pays for MORE ART (in addition to what we do through the PTA)
It may take time to understand all the details. For now - you can learn that Run for the Arts is one way that Buckman supports our art activities and supplies. 

This is the way that the Run for the Arts organization explains their model. More info at:


More on the horizon
I hope all is going well for you and your kindergartner. Please let me know if I can answer any questions or help with anything. 

See and subscribe to the complete calendar here:

Thanks so much!

text/voice: 503-545-2765 

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Welcome, class volunteer survey

Welcome parents!
It was fun to see/meet many of you at Back to School Night this week. Please bear with me as I give you even more information and point you to our class volunteer survey. 

Class Volunteer Survey!!!
Ms. Miles has many volunteer opportunities in and out of the classroom. MOST of the in-class opportunities are listed in this survey. Please fill the form out completely (separate entries for dad AND mom and grandma and anyone else who might want to volunteer) to let us know which roles might work for you.

Please watch the bulletin board and read your emails for other volunteer opportunities in the year (such as field trips, etc).

Parent Blog
You can find the information I organize and use here: Such as links to resources, my fabulous hopefully-informative class emails, and...

Our Class Calendar
See and subscribe to swim dates, field trips, Dines out, and other events on our class calendar.

Class Contact List
Many of you sent updates for the list (misspellings, whole children left off - oops). Please let me know if any others are needed. See and use the class contact list.

Class Schedule
Wonder what your child is doing during the day? Trying to come in for a specific activity? Here’s the general schedule of our class.

Ms. Miles’ Blog
Anne will be posting photos and information here:

Units of Study for Kindergarten

A preview of field trips coming up

Overwhelmed yet? Probably. But relax, it will all shake out. Fill out the volunteer survey and we will go from there. Seriously, fill this out won’t ya

Happy survey-filling to you,

Margaret FiveCrows
(Henry’s mom)
text/voice 503-545-2765

Foundation and PTA, What's the difference?

Know the difference between the Buckman Foundation and the Buckman PTA?

Buckman is supported by two fundraising arms: the Buckman PTA and the Buckman Foundation. We have a diagram to help you understand the purpose, needs, and activities of these important organizations. See the comparison.

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Things to keep at school

Things to keep in your child's locker:
  • Backpack or bag (hanging)
  • Water bottle (at bottom where easily reachable)
  • Snack (at bottom where reachable)
  • Lunch (at bottom where reachable)
  • A change of clothing (on upper shelf)
  • For swim days: swimsuit, towel, and (if you want) goggles
Things not to wear:
  • No shoes that tie (velcro or slip on shoes instead)
  • On swimming days - no tights
  • For gym time - NO black soled shoes or other shoes that leave a mark
  • Rolling shoes (with wheels) are not allowed